Sunday, October 29, 2006

Unpatched, highly critical vulnerability in Firefox 2.0

"This weakness has been known since June but no patch has yet been made available. The developers claimed to have fixed the problem in So why did they release 2.0 without a fix? If "security" is what makes FireFox better, how do we explain known vulnerabilities unpatched on major releases?"

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British the most spied-on people in western world

"The linkage of databases and surveillance systems mean Brits are now having their movements tracked, habits profiled and photograph taken hundreds of times a day."

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Windows Live Barcode Launches

"No this isn't an April Fool's joke. Windows Live Barcode enables users to store their own data in QR codes, which are already present on Spaces for markets like Japan."

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Wednesday, October 25, 2006

US online brokers hit by pump and dump fraud

"Hackers in Eastern Europe and Asia have been infiltrating customer accounts at US online brokers and making unauthorised trades to artificially inflate the price of some stocks. The 'pump and dump' fraud has reportedly cost E*Trade at least $18 million in the third quarter alone."

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Hacking contactless credit cards made easy

"US security researchers have demonstrated how easy it might be for crooks to read sensitive personal information from RFID-based credit and debit cards."

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Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Police wrongly raid home based on IP !!

"Demonstrations of government stupidity seem to know no bound.How long before no one respects our current form of government and law enforcement?"

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FREE Memory Upgrade for your laptop

"A gang (from BBC's The Real Hustle) set up a shop offering free memory upgrades to laptops. People leave their laptops with the gang to pick them up later, see what happens..."

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Sunday, October 22, 2006

Why Bush's Wire Tapping is Defeated by VoIP Networks

"Bush claims he needs NSA wire tapping to break up terrorist networks but terrorists are not using the phone network Bush is tapping. They ... all are using private voice over IP internet phones (VoIP) that can't be tapped. This video explains how it works. And, how you can set up your own."

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Hackers' project disguises security-busting code

"The software, called VoMM (eVade o? Matic Module), uses a variety of techniques to mix up known exploit code so as to make it unrecognizable to some types of antivirus software. Using these techniques, VoMM "can create an endless number of variants of an exploit," said Aviv Raff, one of the developers behind the project."

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Saturday, October 21, 2006

SpamThru Trojan Analysis

"Interesting and thorough analysis of a modern spam trojan available at Secureworks."

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Welcome to the world of botnets

""Eric Sites stares at the screen of a "dirty box," a Windows machine infected with the self-replicating Wootbot network worm. Within seconds, there is a significant spike in CPU usage as the infected computer starts scanning the network, looking for vulnerable hosts. Basically, this machine is now owned by a criminal.""

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Friday, October 20, 2006

The science of making skyscrapers safe.

"To the discerning eye, cities and skyscrapers are monuments to the security threats prominent at the time they're built. With new technologies, shortsighted design decisions will leave a legacy of needless challenges for future generations."

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Zombie Computers Try To Blend In With The Crowd

"Hackers are trying harder to make their networks of hijacked computers go unnoticed."

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Saturday, October 14, 2006

New (Potentially Funny) Firefox Bug Found

"While not exactly a major bug, this bug allows any website owner to style the autoscroll image that pops up when one middle clicks in Firefox. Someone of a less benevolent nature could use this bug for evil. *COUGH* GOATSE *COUGH*"

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Friday, October 13, 2006

pfSense 1.0 Released today at 13:13 EST

"pfSense, the FreeBSD-based firewall LiveCD distribution was released today. Utilizing pf as the firewall basis, this distribution has been 2 years in development and offers firewalling, traffic shaping, clustering, load balancing and a very solid packaging system all managed by a WebGUI."

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Friday, October 06, 2006

USB Hacksaw released, Steal documents in seconds with a U3 usb key!

"The USB Hacksaw is an evolution of the popular USB Switchblade that will automatically infect Windows PCs with a payload that will retrieve documents from USB drives plugged into the target machine and securely transmit them to an email account.PoC shows how to deliver the payload instantly with a U3 autorun hack borrowed from the Switchblade"

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Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Set up a personal, home SSH server

"It's simple to set up an SSH server right on your Windows PC with Cygwin (and even simpler on your Mac). Once your personal SSH server is up and running, you can connect to your home computer securely from anywhere on the internet, up and download files and perform all the command line tasks your heart desires. Here's how."

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